Liking 'Curly Fries' indicates you are smart

Liking 'Curly Fries' indicates you are smart
三月 12, 2013
Liking curly fries is a smart thing to do.

So smart that a computer crunching of millions of Facebook “likes,” independent of the information in your profile, can figure out all kinds of personal and often private details of your life, including your IQ.

The study by Michal Kosinki and David Stillwell of the Psychometrics Centre at the University of Cambridge could accurately predict, with varying degrees of success, whether someone used drugs, smoked, had divorced parents and leaned liberal or conservative.

“The best predictors of high intelligence include ‘thunderstorms,’ ‘The Colbert Report,’ ‘science’ and ‘curly fries,’” the study said.

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