
Allstore is regulating the temperature, relative humidity, and CO₂ level inside the storage building to the optimal values to maintain the product quality with minimal storage losses.
ZEISS SensoLogic Family
SensoLogic Family
The SensoLogic (SL) product family for chemometric spectroscopy is a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative solution that simplifies modeling and use of your applications with consistent workflow orientation and clear
InProcess Software
InProcess Software
InProcess makes the most of your production by allowing you to monitor, adjust and gain valuable data from your ZEISS spectrometers. Icon based and intuitive, InProcess is also fully customizable.
Meijer Potato Robustness Index
Robustness Index
Meijer Potato is now launching a digital robustness index with 7 items, made up of different variety characteristics, to objectively compare the robustness of varieties
Syngenta Spray Assist App (links to DUTCH description of the Syngenta Spray Assist App)
Spray Assist App
The Syngenta Spray Assist App helps potato farmers to make the right decisions related to spraying their crops. The app combines weather conditions, spray nozzles and Syngenta's knowledge. That's how you receive tailored recommendations
Mooij Agro EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
The Easy Virtual Assistant – EVA – is the new smart assistant wizard for growers and crop storage operators. EVA is available as an additional module in Croptimiz-r; the latest automation system for crop storage.
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AgroVision - Crops Meteo
Crops Meteo
AgroVision Crops Meteo gives growers access to data from weather stations and weather forecasts. The programme provides comprehensive agronomic weather advice and it automatically records spray conditions in crop records for food safety certification purposes.
CropVision Gewis
CropVision Gewis
CropVision Gewis can be connected to the weather station of the Belgian grower. The advisory program indicates the best spraying moment for each product, in order to achieve the highest possible results of spraying.
RH3S Optimizer
The Optimizer is a soil sensor system on tractor, that allows real time determination of implement application rates. The system determines contactless soil type or a soil property, e.g. clay.
Isagri Meteus capacitive irrigation probe
Meteus capacitive irrigation probe
The Météus capacitive irrigation probe helps irrigators to better manage their irrigation by measuring the humidity in the soil every 10 cm deep as well as the temperature directly near the roots. 60cm is the recommended size for potatoes.
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