
A plant in Ireland with late blight disease. (Courtesy: Jean Ristaino, NC State University)
一月 28, 2025

Study Points to South America – Not Mexico – as Birthplace of Irish Potato Famine Pathogen

Researchers at North Carolina State University identified the South American Andes as the origin of the Irish potato famine pathogen, Phytophthora infestans
Madeleine Smith Joins NDSU as Extension Pesticide Specialist to Enhance Certification and Training Programs
十二月 26, 2024

North Dakota State University Names New Extension Pesticide Specialist

Madeleine Smith has joined North Dakota State University as an Extension pesticide specialist. Joining Oct. 2, Smith has been working on the NDSU campus in Fargo, North Dakota.
The dark stripes on infected potatoes mark zebra chip disease. It has led to significant economic losses for producers due to reduced crop quality and marketability. (Courtesy: Texas A&M AgriLife)
十二月 15, 2024

AgriLife Research leads collaboration to address zebra chip disease

Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists are working on a new research project to fight plant diseases transmitted by psyllid insects — particularly the zebra chip disease, which has impacted potato production for decades.
New program looks to expand early pathogen detection in potato crops
九月 27, 2024

Washington State University project aims to expand early pathogen detection in potato crops

A new Washington State University-led project will help potato growers safeguard domestic and international markets and maintain high-quality potatoes for consumers around the world.
A historic potato plant specimen collected by David Moore from the National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin, Ireland showing disease effects. (Courtesy: NC State University)
八月 26, 2024

Study Analyzes Potato-Pathogen 'Arms Race' After Irish Famine

In an examination of the genetic material found in historic potato leaves, North Carolina State University researchers reveal more about the tit-for-tat evolutionary changes occurring in both potato plants and the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish potato famine.
Potato Plant
五月 13, 2024

Calcium Can Protect Potato Plants from Bacterial Wilt

Scientists have discovered that calcium plays a significant role in enhancing the resistance of potato plants to bacterial wilt. This disease causes worldwide losses of potatoes costing USD 19 billion per year.
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Potato IPM logo
二月 25, 2024

Potatoes USA - Supported research into Neonic alternatives receives USDA funding

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) recently announced funding for a four-year, Potatoes USA-supported research project to develop and evaluate potential alternatives to neonicotinoids for pest management of potato crops.
New potato-threatening pathogens reported for first time in Pennsylvania, US
一月 25, 2024

New potato-threatening pathogens reported for first time in Pennsylvania, United States

Researchers of the Pennsylvania State University identified potential threats to the local potato crop by collecting potato stems or tubers that exhibited symptoms of black leg or soft rot from 26 potato fields. They were able to isolate, culture and identify 456 samples of bacteria infecting potatoes.
Rob Sears hopes his bioengineered potato radiation sensors will open the door to future innovations in organic technology. Image courtesy UTIA.
十一月 29, 2023

UTIA PhD Student Bioengineers Potato Plant to Detect Gamma Radiation

PhD student Rob Sears engineered the potato plant, also known as a phytosensor, to indicate high radiation levels through changing leaf fluorescence.
Zsofia Szendrei, professor in MSU's Department of Entomology
十一月 13, 2023

Research team led by MSU scientist receives USD 6 million USDA grant to study pest-management strategies for potato systems

A research team has received a USD 6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to study insect pest management strategies for United States potato production systems.
Close-up of greenbug aphid, Schizaphis graminum, showing the piercing-sucking mouthparts it uses to feed and inject virus into plants.
七月 25, 2023

Novel Approach to Combatting Aphid-Transmitted Crop Viruses: Harnessing 'Spike Proteins' as Weapons

The infamous spike protein doesn’t just help spread viruses – it can also be weaponized to stop them.
Battling potato viruses innovations for a healthier harvest
五月 04, 2023

Battling potato viruses: innovations for a healthier potato harvest

Two years ago, the Potato Research Advisory Committee (PRAC) identified and wrote letters of support for a project known as 'The Potato Virus Initiative: Developing Solutions'.
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New Portable Device Uses Smartphone-Based Spectroscopy to Detect Late Blight Disease in Potato Crops
四月 25, 2023

New Portable Device Uses Smartphone-Based Spectroscopy to Detect Late Blight Disease in Potato Crops

The device has the potential to transform the way that farmers detect and manage plant diseases, leading to more efficient and sustainable agriculture practices.
USDA SCRI funds new research: potatoes and pests – actionable science against nematodes
二月 01, 2023

USDA SCRI funds new research: potatoes and pests – actionable science against nematodes

USDA’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) recently announced funding (USD 6.8M) for Potatoes and Pests – Actionable Science Against Nematodes (nicknamed PAPAS).
University of Idaho researchers developing nematode resistant potatoes.
一月 04, 2023

University of Idaho researchers developing nematode resistant potatoes

University of Idaho researchers are introducing genes from a plant in the nightshade family into potatoes, seeking to develop spuds that resist harmful nematodes.  The plant, called ‘litchi tomato’, has natural resistance to several species of cyst and root-knot nematodes.
UMaine researchers testing lobster shells to thwart potato soil pathogens
十二月 22, 2022

University of Maine researchers are testing lobster shells to thwart potato soil pathogens

Scientists at the University of Maine are evaluating if lobster shells can cultivate beneficial microbial communities that ward off soil borne potato pathogens.
New Antibiotic Comes From a Pathogenic Bacterium in Potatoes.
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New Antibiotic Solanimycin discovered in a Pathogenic Bacterium in Potatoes (Dickeya solani)

The growing threat of antimicrobial resistance has led researchers to search for new compounds everywhere. This week in mBio, a multinational team of researchers in Europe report the discovery of a new antifungal antibiotic named solanimycin.
Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets
九月 04, 2022

Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets

New potato varieties bred by the Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program could enter the french fry market before long, said Isabel Vales, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife potato breeder in the Department of Horticultural Sciences


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