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Ghent University

Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

Ghent University (Universiteit Gent, UGent) is one of the major Belgian universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe.

The University is involved in various types of potato related research.

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Noticias de esta Compañia

INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada
Octubre 28, 2024

INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada

INTERPOM es la feria comercial bajo techo más especializada de Europa para toda la cadena de la patata. Del 24 al 26 de noviembre de 2024, 330 expositores de 15 países darán la bienvenida a productores, contratistas, procesadores, empacadores, compradores y comerciantes de patatas frescas y procesadas en sus stands en Kortrijk Xpo.
Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain!
Octubre 14, 2021

Interpom 2021: Lets reconnect the potato chain!

After more than 2 years, the first major international meeting platform for the potato chain will finally see the light of day: on Sunday 28, 29, and 30 November 2021, INTERPOM will be opening its doors in Kortrijk Xpo. At last, the potato professionals will be able to meet each other again!
Vegetable and Potato Processing Research center VEG-i-TEC opens its doors
Octubre 07, 2021

Vegetable and Potato Processing Research center VEG-i-TEC opens its doors

A lot of water, energy and nutrition is lost during the processing of vegetables and potatoes. Scientists from Ghent University, together with partners Flanders' FOOD, Howest, VITO and Vlakwa, are therefore reviewing the processing process from A to Z in the VEG-i-TEC research center.
Ghent scientists develop vaccine against potato blight
Agosto 19, 2021

Ghent scientists develop vaccine against potato blight

Scientists at the university of Ghent have developed a vaccine to combat potato blight, one of the most common diseases in potatoes.

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