Belgapom, the Belgian potato trade and processig industry, and the editor Canalazzo, have jointly edited the wonderful book 'The potato in Belgium, land of fries'.
This book gives an overview of the history of the potato in Belgium, from the Inca period in Peru over the Belgian 'frites shop' culture and the Belgian top restaurants and their chefs, till the worldwide export of frozen potato products and the future plans of this dynamic sector. The book offers a view over the complete potato chain.
The Belgian Queen Mathilde has received the first issue of this book during her visit of the World Expo in Milano, where the Belgian fries sector is present in the Belgian pavillon with a very successful fries shop and the new campaign with "James Bint".
The book is one to read and to look at, with wonderful illustrations and numerous testymonies from several angles.
The book is available via Belgapom at the price of € 29,95 + shipping costs, and is available in Dutch, French and English. (Now on offer for € 19,95 + VAT +shipping costs) This book has its place in the library of every potato professional and/or lover.
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- Cadena de Suministro de Patatas
- The potato in...
- Productos
- Cadena de Suministro de Patatas
- The potato in...

Belgapom nonprofit association is a recognized association for the Belgian potato trade and processing industry. Its task is to defend the interest of the Belgian seed and consumption potato merchants.
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