Penni is an exceptional seed potato variety for the table purpose offered by Rockyview Elite Tuber. The uniform shape, size, and bright smooth skin of Penni render this variety excellent for the creamer and "baby" potato markets. Rokyview Elite Tuber is the exclusive distributor of Penni in Canada and the United States.
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- Cadena de Suministro de Patatas
- Rockyview Elite Tuber...
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- Cadena de Suministro de Patatas
- Rockyview Elite Tuber...

Rockyview Elite Tuber Ltd.
Rockyview Elite Tubers is a family-run seed potato farm located about 30 kilometers northeast of Calgary, specializing in premium E1 and E2 seed potatoes. The farm combines onsite laboratory and greenhouse facilities with a closed-system approach to ensure high-quality production, storage, and preparation of seed potatoes.
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