Cambio Climático

The European Parliament declares climate emergency
Diciembre 03, 2019

The European Parliament declares climate emergency

EU should commit to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the UN Conference, says Parliament.
Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row
Diciembre 02, 2019

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row

Potato processors in the United Kingdom and their growers express again extreme concern about the potato supply, due to wet weather and potato varieties grown for processing in particular affected.
Noviembre 25, 2019

Hacer del Futuro de los Alimentos un Futuro Sostenible

Nicolai Prytz, director de sostenibilidad y estrategia de TOMRA, ha analizado cómo empresas, consumidores y autoridades pueden ayudar a hacer que el futuro de los alimentos sea un futuro sostenible.
La patata también se tiñe de verde
Septiembre 25, 2019

La patata de Galicia también se tiñe de verde

Óscar Riveiro, agricultor de Castro de Rei, vende dentro y fuera de Galicia el tubérculo con sello ecológico. La Terra Chá es amplia y justamente conocida por su actividad ganadera, centrada sobre todo en el ganado vacuno de leche.
Mayo 15, 2019

Investigación de vanguardia: las papas pueden crecer a altas temperaturas

Si hay algo que no le gusta a las plantas de papa, es el calor. Si la temperatura es muy alta, las plantas de papa producen un número significativamente menor de tubérculos o, a veces, ninguno. Los bioquímicos de la FAU ahora han descubierto la razón.
Marzo 10, 2019

Low potato yields result in a excellent financial performance for seed potato supplier HZPC

Seed potato supplier HZPC Holland has established the expected prices it will pay to its growers and the organisation expects to pay its Dutch growers a record price of € 41,- per 100 kilo
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
UK potato chips prices surge after heatwave-induced potato shortage
Febrero 26, 2019

UK potato chips prices surge after heatwave-induced potato shortage

Crisps fans in the United Kingdom might have noticed that their favourite snack has become a little more expensive in recent months.
Reino Unido: Cambio climático pondría en peligro a la papa
Febrero 05, 2019

Reino Unido: Cambio climático pondría en peligro a la papa

El futuro de uno de los alimentos básicos preferidos del Reino Unido, la papa, podría estar en peligro debido a que el cambio climático afecta las zonas dónde crece, dijeron científicos de la Universidad de Leeds.
The potato crop in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain
Diciembre 12, 2018

Potatoes in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain

That the potato harvest this year in Europe was well below average due to extreme weather conditions is well known by now. I this article we present some recent data from Great Britain, The Netherlands and Spain that further clarify the situation
Engie Refrigeration presents its 'Mechanical Ventilation Only' Potato Storage system at Interpom | Primeurs
Noviembre 17, 2018

Engie Refrigeration presents its 'Mechanical Ventilation Only' Potato Storage system at Interpom | Primeurs

ENGIE Refrigeration has developed a storage system based entirely on mechanical refrigeration, which allows maintaining the same storage conditions throughout the year.
Agrico warns: 'Considerably less seed potatoes available for export'
Noviembre 13, 2018

Agrico warns: 'Considerably less seed potatoes available for export'

During the annual potato variety show at Agrico the topic of discussion was not limited to unique varieties on display. The impact of the excessive heat and drought this season on the seed potato market was also a hot topic.
NEPG estimates potato harvest 2018
Noviembre 08, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers: harvest down 20 percent at least

The total potato harvest in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in 2018 will be at least 20 percent lower than last year, according to the latest estimates of the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG).
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Papas fritas, en peligro
Octubre 19, 2018

Papas fritas, en peligro

Por la sequía en Francia. Son las nuevas víctimas del calentamiento global.
Yield organic of potatoes has not collapsed as much as that of conventional ones
Octubre 19, 2018

Potato Yield of Organic cultivation in Germany not affected as much as conventional farming by drought and heat

According to a survey by Bio Kartoffel Erzeuger e.V., the organic potato yields in Germany have not dropped as much as the conventional ones
The Challenges of the Potato Industry: Interview with Marc Van Herreweghe, CEO of Mydibel and New Chairman of Belgapom
Octubre 18, 2018

The Challenges of the Potato Industry: Interview with Marc Van Herreweghe, CEO of Mydibel and New Chairman of Belgapom

In this interview, Marc Van Herreweghe, the new Chairman of Belgapom and CEO of Mydibel, discusses the challenges this Belgian Potato Association faces going forward, as well as sustainability issues and problems related to recent weather conditions.
Europe's small potatoes a problem for McDonald's
Septiembre 30, 2018

Europe's small potatoes a problem for McDonald's fries

Customers of McDonald's in Europe might find that their favorite fries are shorter than usual. Blame the weather: smaller potatoes result in shorter fries.
AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance
Septiembre 23, 2018

AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance

Dutch potato starch manufacterer Avebe has announced that the advance payment for potatoes delivered is being increased to 67 euros a tonne and that the full result of the cooperative will go to the members.
A Shortage of Potatoes for Chips? Time to re-evaluate your cutting solutions, says FAM
Septiembre 05, 2018

A Shortage of Potatoes for Chips? Time to re-evaluate your cutting solutions, says FAM

Brent Bucks of knife manufacturer FAM explains how potato chips processors can increase revenues despite the low quality crop


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