La Energía y El Medio Ambiente

RPE recognized for outstanding achievement in promoting renewable energy
Octubre 03, 2022

RPE recognized for outstanding achievement in promoting renewable energy

The nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) on Sept. 15 presented the 2022 Green Power Leadership Awards, awarding six organizations and one individual for their roles in promoting and expanding the use of clean, renewable energy.
PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture caused by Hurricane Fiona may damage crops
Septiembre 30, 2022

PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture from Fiona may damage crops

Prince Edward Island (PEI) potato farmers say they are concerned excessive moisture in the fields caused by the storm Fiona may lead their produce to rot in storage - though they hope that is not the case.
Septiembre 22, 2022

NEPG: El cambio climático reducirá la producción total de patata en Bélgica, Países Bajos, Francia y Alemania entre un 7 y un 11 porciento a pesar del aumento de hectáreas

Durante su última reunión previa a Potato Europe 2022, los Productores de Papa del Noroeste de Europa (NEPG) estiman que la producción mundial de papa en la zona NEPG (EU-04) se reducirá entre un 7 y un 11 por ciento.
Patata cosechada.
Septiembre 04, 2022

Campaña de la patata: se prevé una reducción de la cosecha por las olas de calor

Las altas temperaturas afectan a la producción de patata de A Limia, con menor cantidad de tubérculos y de menor tamaño. Variedades como la Agria son de las más afectadas. Conocemos las previsiones cuando comienzan a arrancarse las plantaciones de temprano.
Agosto 30, 2022

Los productores de patata franceses califican de 'catastrófica' la campaña 2022

Ante un colapso histórico del potencial de rendimiento de la patata debido al calor extremo y la sequía calor extremo y la sequía, la Agrupación de Productores de Patata de Francia, UNPT, pide una reacción inmediata de los agentes económicos y a las autoridades públicas para apoyar la producción francesa.
Potato partners secure GBP 2 million (USD 2,3 million) investment funding to sustain the future of potato growing.
Agosto 26, 2022

Potato partners secure GBP 2 million investment funding to sustain the future of potato growing.

The Net Zero Hectare project has secured GBP 2.06 million (about USD 2.36 million) in funding acquired from The Farming Innovation Programme, run by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in cooperation with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
After Millennia of Agricultural Expansion, the World Has Passed Peak Agricultural Land
Agosto 23, 2022

After Millennia of Agricultural Expansion, the World Has Passed Peak Agricultural Land

Humans have been reshaping the planet’s land for millennia by clearing wildlands to grow crops and raise livestock. As a result, humans have cleared one-third of the world’s forests and two-thirds of wild grasslands
CIP’s Annual Report 2021 ‘From lab to field to scale’ now available online
Agosto 21, 2022

CIP Annual Report 2021 From lab to field to scale now available online

The Lima-based International Potato Center’s (CIP) work to reduce hunger and malnutrition, boost farmer resilience, and catalyze income improvements generated benefits for men and women in more than 30 countries last year.
Simplot's 4Sight 2030 Goals
Agosto 20, 2022

Simplot's 4Sight 2030 Goals

Recently Simplot, a potato processor and a supplier of a wide range of agricultural products, highlighted its sustainability goals. Covering all aspects of the agricultural value chain, gives Simplot on edge...
Why the food industry needs to think about sustainability.
Agosto 16, 2022

Why the food industry needs to think about sustainability

When businesses behave with sustainability, it’s not only society that benefits – this can also help bring in new business. Stefaan Kennis, Director of Strategy, Market Intelligence and Sustainability at TOMRA Food.
España: El calor reduce la cosecha de la patata de Álava.
Agosto 12, 2022

España: El calor reduce la cosecha de la patata de Álava

Las intensas olas de calor que están teniendo lugar a lo largo de los últimos meses están ocasionando que en los cultivos alaveses de patata el número de tubérculos por planta sea menor de lo esperado.
McDonald's Canada and McCain Foods partner to launch the CAD 1M Future of Potato Farming Fund to help improve soil health through regenerative farming practices
Agosto 11, 2022

McDonald's Canada and McCain Foods establish a 'Future of Potato Farming Fund' (CAD 1 million) to help improve soil health through regenerative farming practices

McDonald's Canada and McCain Foods Limited announce the 'Future of Potato Farming Fund' by investing CAD 1million in education, demonstration, and cost-sharing grants to support potato farmers
Contenido Patrocinado

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Equipment manufacturer Sormac awarded top energy rating for its new production facility
Agosto 08, 2022

Equipment manufacturer Sormac achieves the top energy rating for its new production facility

Equipment manufacturer Sormac consistently made sustainable choices during the realization of its new production facility. It resulted in the highest achievable energy label (A +++++) by the Dutch Government
Ecuador: Se reduce la producción de papa en Tungurahua.
Agosto 02, 2022

Ecuador: Se reduce la producción de papa en Tungurahua

La producción de papa de Tungurahua dejó de abastecer a mercados de otras ciudades desde hace tres años de manera definitiva. La paratrioza fue una de las causas para interrumpir el proceso.
Recogida de patatas en Honcalada.
Agosto 01, 2022

Norte de Castilla: Las altas temperaturas castigan la producción de patatas, cuyos arranques son generalizados

Los arranques de patatas en las variedades tempranas ya se han generalizado en Castilla y León. Colombas, ágatas o algunas rojas son los pintorescos nombres de la mercancía que, a día de hoy, está en el mercado.
Simplot suggests 24 Low-Cost Sustainability Tactics to Restaurants
Julio 27, 2022

Simplot suggests 24 Low-Cost Sustainability Tactics to Restaurants

The drive for greater sustainability in restaurants remains one of the industry’s hottest trends in 2022. Fully 55% of U.S. consumers say they have shifted their purchase behavior to be more sustainable.
Peak of the Market Ltd. contributes CAD 100,000 toward um research chair in potato sustainability.
Julio 26, 2022

Peak of the Market Ltd. contributes CAD 100,000 toward University of Manitoba research chair in potato sustainability

Peak of the Market Ltd. is proud to announce a $100,000 contribution towards creating a Research Chair in Potato Sustainability at the University of Manitoba.
Julio 25, 2022

Buscan 'superpatatas' que puedan soportar el calor extremo

Con orígenes en las frías altitudes de los Andes, la papa no se adapta bien a las temperaturas extremas o las inundaciones provocadas por el cambio climático. Los científicos de plantas están desarrollando "súper papas" capaces de soportar condiciones ambientales más duras.


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