Vultus: IFFCO Kisan sets new record of requests on the analysis platform

Vultus: IFFCO Kisan sets new record of requests on the analysis platform

Vultus: IFFCO Kisan sets new record of requests on the analysis platform

Abril 10, 2024

Vultus AB has announced a new platform record with 21,000 fields analysed in one day. The user base for the company's analytics platform continues to grow, and partner IFFCO Kisan, through its network of advisors, provides decision-making advice to thousands of growers every day using Vultus analysis platform.

Per Karlsson, CEO of Vultus:

"The collaboration between Vultus and IFFCO Kisan has reached a new milestone with a record 21,000 fields analysed in a single day. This reflects not only the technical capabilities of our analysis platform but also the growing user base that benefits from our decision support. Vultus overall goal is to improve agricultural efficiency and the collaboration with IFFCO Kisan demonstrates the usefulness of our analyses."

Morup Namgail, Head of Agritech at IFFCO Kisan:

"The use of the Vultus platform within IFFCO Kisan is a central part of our offering to our network of growers. The level of detail and precision that Vultus analyses provide allows us to offer tailored advice that really makes a difference in the field. This is technology that serves practical needs and helps our growers work smarter."

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