Mayo 15, 2019

Investigación de vanguardia: las papas pueden crecer a altas temperaturas

Si hay algo que no le gusta a las plantas de papa, es el calor. Si la temperatura es muy alta, las plantas de papa producen un número significativamente menor de tubérculos o, a veces, ninguno. Los bioquímicos de la FAU ahora han descubierto la razón.
Climate extremes impact on global crop yield variations. (Courtesy: Alvin Stone / Climate Extremes)
Mayo 06, 2019

Climate extremes explain 18%-43% of global crop yield variations

Researchers from Australia, Germany, Switzerland and the US have quantified the effect of climate extremes, such as droughts or heatwaves, on the yield variability of staple crops around the world.
Abril 24, 2019

Las papas previenen la crisis alimentaria en Etiopía y restauran la 'dignidad y esperanza'

La papa irlandesa ha evitado otra gran crisis alimentaria humanitaria en una de las partes más pobres y remotas de Etiopía, según la organización de ayuda Concern Worldwide.
Bill Gates: 'We should discuss soil as much as we talk about coal'
Marzo 27, 2019

Bill Gates: 'We should discuss soil as much as we talk about coal'

In the latest addition to his blog (, Bill Gates highlights that in order to fight climate change, we need to look beyond decarbonizing the way we generate electricity. We need to look at agriculture for example...
Marzo 10, 2019

Low potato yields result in a excellent financial performance for seed potato supplier HZPC

Seed potato supplier HZPC Holland has established the expected prices it will pay to its growers and the organisation expects to pay its Dutch growers a record price of € 41,- per 100 kilo
UK potato chips prices surge after heatwave-induced potato shortage
Febrero 26, 2019

UK potato chips prices surge after heatwave-induced potato shortage

Crisps fans in the United Kingdom might have noticed that their favourite snack has become a little more expensive in recent months.
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Peruvian farmers get help from Belgium to save traditional potato product from climate change
Febrero 26, 2019

Peruvian farmers get help from Belgium to save traditional potato product from climate change

Three Belgian organisations, ILVO, HOGENT and TRIAS help a local Peruvian agricultural cooperative and university to optimize the semi-industrial production of their traditional tuntas - white freeze-dried potatoes (Chuño)
Chile: La ola de calor no causó daños graves en los cultivos
Febrero 09, 2019

Chile: La ola de calor no causó daños graves en los cultivos

Luis Miquel, Gerente del Consorcio Papa Chile, hace una buena proyección del mercado de la papa. Afirma que las altas temperaturas del verano no han sido una catástrofe, y califica al año de normal.
Reino Unido: Cambio climático pondría en peligro a la papa
Febrero 05, 2019

Reino Unido: Cambio climático pondría en peligro a la papa

El futuro de uno de los alimentos básicos preferidos del Reino Unido, la papa, podría estar en peligro debido a que el cambio climático afecta las zonas dónde crece, dijeron científicos de la Universidad de Leeds.
Potato Processor Cavendish Farms imports millions of pounds of potatoes to P.E.I.
Febrero 04, 2019

Potato Processor Cavendish Farms imports millions of pounds of potatoes to P.E.I.

Prince Edward Island French Fry Manufacturer Cavendish Farms is importing a larger than usual amount of potatoes from other parts of Canada and the United States to make up for a local shortfall in supply.
Papas híbridas podrían salvarnos de la hambruna
Enero 02, 2019

Papas híbridas podrían salvarnos de la hambruna

Científicos del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) están usando papas silvestres para desarrollar variedades climáticamente resistentes. Esto a raíz del eminente cambio climático que afectará a millones de pequeños agricultores del Perú.
The potato crop in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain
Diciembre 12, 2018

Potatoes in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain

That the potato harvest this year in Europe was well below average due to extreme weather conditions is well known by now. I this article we present some recent data from Great Britain, The Netherlands and Spain that further clarify the situation
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Engie Refrigeration presents its 'Mechanical Ventilation Only' Potato Storage system at Interpom | Primeurs
Noviembre 17, 2018

Engie Refrigeration presents its 'Mechanical Ventilation Only' Potato Storage system at Interpom | Primeurs

ENGIE Refrigeration has developed a storage system based entirely on mechanical refrigeration, which allows maintaining the same storage conditions throughout the year.
Agrico warns: 'Considerably less seed potatoes available for export'
Noviembre 13, 2018

Agrico warns: 'Considerably less seed potatoes available for export'

During the annual potato variety show at Agrico the topic of discussion was not limited to unique varieties on display. The impact of the excessive heat and drought this season on the seed potato market was also a hot topic.
NEPG estimates potato harvest 2018
Noviembre 08, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers: harvest down 20 percent at least

The total potato harvest in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in 2018 will be at least 20 percent lower than last year, according to the latest estimates of the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG).
Pepsico to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India.
Octubre 30, 2018

Pepsico to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India

Snacks and beverages manufacturer PepsiCo plans to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India.
Papas fritas, en peligro
Octubre 19, 2018

Papas fritas, en peligro

Por la sequía en Francia. Son las nuevas víctimas del calentamiento global.
Yield organic of potatoes has not collapsed as much as that of conventional ones
Octubre 19, 2018

Potato Yield of Organic cultivation in Germany not affected as much as conventional farming by drought and heat

According to a survey by Bio Kartoffel Erzeuger e.V., the organic potato yields in Germany have not dropped as much as the conventional ones


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