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LIND plants almost 400 hectares of seed potatoes per year. LIND has also provided advanced infrastructure with storerooms equipped with automatic and manual control systems for ventilation. Storage capacity is approx. 10,000 tonnes, with a possibility of storing 1,800 tonnes in cold store.

LIND has achieved a significant position in the Polish and European market, and a few years ago started cooperation with markets outside Europe. Although LIND Ltd. is a recognized brand name, it has been constantly searching for new solutions of production, leading to obtaining even better seed material.

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Nieuws over dit bedrijf

The potato breeder LIND joins Europatat
maart 28, 2023

Polish potato breeder LIND joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes the Polish company LIND, which was established in 1996 as an investment of a Scottish family-run agricultural business with generations experience in the production of high-grade seed potatoes – J&WF Lind

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