The Ratte potato (also known as La Ratte, La Reine Ratte du Touquet, or Asparges) is a small potato with a unique nutty flavor and smooth, buttery texture. The nutty flavour is said to have come from the types of soils the variety is grown in by the French farmers. This potato has an ovate shape, often with a slight curve and golden speckled skin. The flesh of this potato is a golden yellow and its texture maintains even when cooking.
- Shape: Kidney-shaped
- Skin: Yellow
- Flesh: Yellow
- Yield: Weak
- Calibre: Medium
- Precocity: Mid-early
- Mildew foliage: Sensitive
- Tuber downy mildew: Sensitive
- Common scabies: Not very sensitive
Internal Tuber Defects
- Susceptibility to metribuzin: Not very sensitive
Culinary and Technological Quality
- Dry matter content: Average
- Culinary Group: A - Firm flesh
- Shelf life: Short, Medium, Long