Manufacturers of Other Potato Products in Europe

A.H. Worth (formerly named QV Foods)

In 2019 the company named QV Foods (Quality and Value) was rebranded A.H. Worth. The UK company is growing and packing potatoes and vegetables for Retail, Food Service and supplies bulk produce both Fresh and prepared.

Agrana Staerke GmbH

AGRANA Stärke GmbH is the operating company of the starch division with a potato starch factory in Gmünd, a corn starch factory in Aschach and a bioethanol plant in Pischelsdorf.

Agrana Staerke GmbH - Gmünd

Agrana Stärke's Gmünd potato starch factory is Austia's only potato starch factory.

Agrofirma KRiMM

Agrofirma KRiMM is one of the largest holdings in Russia supplying seed potatoes, table potatoes and other vegetables, grown on a cultivated area more than 27000 hectares.


AgroNorth is a grower of potatoes and other (root) vegetables from Poland, adding value to their produce by processing them into cut/pasteurized products

Albert Bartlett and Sons

Albert Bartlett is the UK's leading potato producer and packer. The company provides retail, wholesale, food service, and export customers with branded and own label products such as fresh, chilled, and frozen potatoes.
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Amberger (Dolli Werk GmbH & Co.KG)

Amberger (Dolli Werk GmbH & Co.KG ) is a Geman manufacturer of French Fries and a wide range of potato specialties

AO Pogar Potato Factory

AO Pogar Potato Factory (PPF) is a large-scale potato growing and potato processing company in Russia.  


Aviko is one of the four largest potato processors in the world and is European market leader of fresh, frozen and dried potato products. Aviko provides appropriate potato products for every market (foodservice, retail or industry).

Axgro Foods Ltd

Axgro Foods Ltd is a family owned company based in West Butterwick, North Lincolnshire, with a farming operation and extensive facilities for processing root crops and apples. Products include both chilled and frozen potato specialties.

BIO Plastpom

BIO Plastpom offers reinforced, water-resistant granules based on starch modified only physically, thus complying with the guidelines of the EU Directive. Bioplast will be the first to introduce a full circular economy for manufactured disposable products.

Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel AG

Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel AG is a Swiss manufacturer of potato products. Products include potato chips, french fries, potato salads and more.

Branston Ltd.

Branston is one of the biggest potato buyers, packers, distributors and marketers in the United Kingdom. Branston also produces prepared vegetables.

Branston Ltd. - Lincoln

Branston Ltd - Lincoln is the location of Branston's headquarters.

Branston Ltd. - Scotland

Branston Ltd - Scotland is one of the packing facilities of potato packer Branston.

Branston Ltd. - South West

Branston Ltd - South West is one of the packing facilities of potato packer Branston.


BUGAJ is one of the leading suppliers of fresh potatoes in Poland as well as the supplier of vacuum packed peeled potatoes, fresh or pasteurised.

CelaVita B.V.

CêlaVíta B.V. is a chilled potato product manufacturer and has the largest market share in the Netherlands. The company is acquired by private investment fund Nimbus.


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