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Patatas Melendez

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Company Description

Patatas Meléndez is the leading company in the fresh potato sector, with a 20% share of the Spanish market. Its success lies in the care it takes in selecting, packaging and distributing the best potatoes.

The company sells around 180 million kilos of potatoes, closing 2021 with a turnover of 90 million euros. In part thanks to a team of around 370 professionals and more than 500 farmers signed up to its Agricultural Plan.

On March 2023, under its far-reaching digitalisation strategy, the company had complete the construction of its new 21,600 m2 fully automated and digitalised factory. A plant that will position the company as a sector leader in Europe, due to its cutting-edge technology and maximum efficiency.

Currently, Patatas Melendez also helps to create a better world, meeting 11 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with social and environmental policies. At Patatas Meléndez, they care for the earth, they understand getting the product right and we emphasise what is socially important.

Product Types offered by this company

News for this Company

Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.
April 02, 2024

Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.

Spanish potato company Patatas Meléndez S.L. celebrates one year since the inauguration of its new factory. A milestone that not only represents growth and progress, but is also filled with effort, dedication, and, above all, a lot of learning.
Patatas Meléndez moderniza su almacén de patatas frescas en Medina del Campo
March 26, 2024

España: sinergia entre Patatas Melendez y Mecalux

La empresa líder en producción para el mercado fresco en asociación con la tecnológica Mecalux, unen fuerzas para llevar los procesos de gestión y logística al siglo XXI.
Patatas Melendez cuenta con nuevo consejo asesor.
January 31, 2024

España: Empresa líder busca reafirmarse en el el mercado interno y consolidarse en el exterior

Patatas Melendez, empresa líder en el sector de la patata fresca en España, busca reforzar su posición en el mercado nacional e impulsar su expansión en el extranjero con la formación de un Consejo Asesor.
El sector de la patata apuesta por la calidad desde el origen hasta el consumidor
November 17, 2023

España: Castilla y León a la vanguardia de la producción nacional

En España, Castilla y León, la comunidad dominante en materia de patatas y responsable por un 40% de la producción nacional, apuesta por una integración vertical para garantizar la calidad de su producto.