Kufri Jyoti


Kufri Jyoti
Variety Name: Kufri JyotiRights Holder | Breeder: Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)Country of Origin: India IndiaYear of of introduction: 1968
Morphological features
  • Canopy: Compact
  • Stem: Green with red brown pigment highly scattered throughout
  • Leaflet: Ovate
  • Flower: White
  • Tuber: White-cream, ovoid with shallow eyes and cream flesh
  • Sprout: Red-purple

Agronomic features
  • Adaptability: Hills, plains and plateau
  • Maturity: Medium
  • Average yield potential: 250-300 q/ha
  • Storability: Good
  • Reaction to diseases/pests
    • Early blight: moderately resistant
    • Late blight:moderately resistant
    • Charcoal rot:s usceptible
    • Wart: immune
    • Viruses: susceptible
    • Cyst nematodes:susceptible
  • Consumer and processing quality: Easy to cook, texture waxy, flavour mild, good for processing, free from aftercooking discoloration
  • Special attributes: Wide adaptability, early bulker and slow rate of degeneration

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