Reducción de Desechos, Valorización

Roger & Roger Named First SDG Pioneer in Wallonia by UNITAR
Diciembre 26, 2024

Potato Chip manufacturer Roger & Roger recognized as sustainability Pioneer in Wallonia by UNITAR

Roger & Roger has been honoured as the first SDG Pioneer in Wallonia by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This prestigious title recognizes companies that have successfully integrated sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their operations.
Avebe and ChainCraft Sign Heads of Agreement to Revolutionize Sustainability with Circular Solutions for Potato Waste in Groningen
Noviembre 10, 2024

Royal Avebe and ChainCraft enter strategic collaboration to convert residual potato juice into high value products

ChainCraft, a pioneer in the production of circular chemicals and Royal Avebe, a global leader in potato-based starch and protein innovations, are proud to announce a huge step towards a strategic collaboration by entering into a Heads of Agreement.
The new Duynie logo
Septiembre 30, 2024

One Duynie brand exceeds the sum of its parts

As of October 1, 2024 there will be one Duynie brand. To further support the company's co-product partners and customers in achieving ambitious sustainability goals, this unified brand exceeds the sum of its parts.
Fibe Accelerates Sustainable Fashion Possibilities with Investment Funding and Potato Yarn Breakthrough
Septiembre 07, 2024

Potato Yarn Breakthrough: Fibe Accelerates Sustainable Fashion Possibilities, creating textile fibre from potato harvest waste

Fibe, a London-based material science company, has developed the world’s first textile fibre from potato harvest waste (stems and leaves), garnering the attention of investors and industry experts alike.
J&J green paper, a Miami-Dade company, announces the implementation of its game-changing sustainable packaging initiative Janus® in partnership with arcos dorados, the largest MCDonald's independent franchisee in the world
Junio 27, 2024

J&J Green Paper implements its sustainable packaging initiative Janus® with largest independent McDonalds franchisee in the world

J&J Green Paper has announced that its revolutionary JANUS® barrier technology is being used by Arcos Dorados Holdings, Inc., the world’s largest independent McDonald’s franchisee and a local packaging supplier in Argentina.
The OptiClean project enhances the washing and polishing of root vegetables to reduce food waste by extending their shelf life, supported by Denmark's Green Development and Demonstration Programme.
Junio 24, 2024

OptiClean Research Initiative: Fighting Food Waste by optimizing the washing and cleaning of fresh root vegetables

The OptiClean initiative, supported by a DKK 5.5 million (USD 790,000) grant from Denmark's Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP), aims to tackle the problem of half-rotten carrots in consumers’ vegetable drawers.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Potato chip maker rescues 25 million pounds of 'ugly' potatoes
Marzo 14, 2024

Potato chip maker rescues 25 million pounds of 'ugly' potatoes

Uglies Kettle Chips has now 'rescued' 25 million pounds of 'ugly potatoes' that have gone into making the brand’s upcycled Uglies Kettle Chips.
Iscon Balaji Foods' Sustainable Potato Farm Revolution: Transforming Lives, Securing Futures
Febrero 12, 2024

Iscon Balaji Foods' Sustainable Potato Farm Revolution: Transforming Lives, Securing Futures

Iscon Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd's growing French fry production has caused a revolution in potato cultivation that has transformed the lives of over 8,000 farmers across India.
Goodrich Cereals potato flakes
Enero 26, 2024

Sustainability at Goodrich Cereals: Nurturing Nature, Nourishing Future

Goodrich Cereals, a manufacturer specialized in the production of dehydrated potato products based in Haryana, India, not only focuses on the quality of its products, but also embraces innovation and sustainability.
Sustainable cooperation in Brabant's potato processing industry
Diciembre 27, 2023

Joint project by the potato processing industry in Brabant (the Netherlands) focused on sustainability

Agristo, Peka Kroef, Lamb Weston and Duynie have teamed up to create a groundbreaking partnership with a view to sustainability and ecological awareness.
Yulin Hu, left, and Nasim Mia, right, are experimenting with hydrogen production at UPEI using sources such as potatoes, sawdust, and UV light. Yulin Hu, left, and Nasim Mia, right, are experimenting with hydrogen production at UPEI using sources such as
Noviembre 30, 2023

Researchers at UPEI experimenting with making hydrogen from potato peels

Researchers at UPEI are experimenting on food scraps, wood and UV light to produce hydrogen gas.
Biggest-ever Gulfood Manufacturing 2023 to take global food production in a smarter, more sustainable direction
Octubre 08, 2023

Biggest-ever Gulfood Manufacturing 2023 to take global food production in a smarter, more sustainable direction

Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) has announced that Gulfood Manufacturing, the most influential annual food and beverage (F&B) manufacturing event in the world, will take place from 7-9 November 2023.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Snack A Jacks Bagless Multipacks
Septiembre 25, 2023

Walkers introduces 'Bagless' multipacks for Snack A Jacks to reduce plastic use

PepsiCo is trialling new multipack packaging for their Snack A Jacks range. Packs on shelves in Tesco stores across the United Kingdom will now use 86% less plastic on their outer packaging when compared with the previous multipack design.
B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste
Agosto 22, 2023

B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste

B-hive Innovations, a cutting-edge, agri-tech research and development business is embarking on a new collaborative programme that aims to reduce the risk of potato bruising and develop technologies that could reduce supermarket waste.
PepsiCo Switches to used cooking oil as fuel for all Walkers Crisps Potato Deliveries
Julio 27, 2023

Potato deliveries to Walkers Leicester Chips factory entirely powered by used cooking oil

In the United Kingdom, PepsiCo has scaled the use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) – used cooking oil - across their supply chain in a move set to save 2,650 tonnes in GHG emissions annually.
EU Commission publishes legally binding food waste reduction targets for 2030
Julio 24, 2023

EU Commission publishes legally binding food waste reduction targets for 2030

As part of a package of measures for a sustainable use of natural resources, the European Commission is proposing to set legally binding food waste reduction targets to be achieved by Member States (MS) by 2030.
American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) highlights the role of Frozen Food in Reducing Food Waste
Julio 10, 2023

American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) highlights the role of Frozen Food in Reducing Food Waste

Publications from the Cornell University Dyson School of Business and market research firm 210 Analytics cast light on the lower waste rates of frozen food and how consumers are utilizing frozen food to fight back against waste, respectively.
New camera technology could revolutionise plastics recycling
Junio 04, 2023

Not just potatoes: Newtec investments in camera technology could revolutionise plastics recycling

A Danish trio of partners is developing super-high-resolution, hyperspectral cameras that can determine the chemical composition of plastic waste and the different additives. The technology will have a huge impact on future plastics recycling.


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