WPC calls for nominations: 12th World Potato Congress Adelaide, Australia June 23-26, 2024

World Potato Congress 2024 for News

12th World Potato Congress Adelaide, Australia June 23-26, 2024

February 01, 2024

Peter VanderZaag, President and Chairman of World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) and the WPC Industry Awards Committee, are now requesting nominations for the 2024 World Potato Congress Industry Awards.

About the Industry Award:

The World Potato Congress Industry Award ceremony is an important and prestigious event on the international potato scene.

The award recognizes a lifetime of contributions to the potato industry. Typically, 3-5 outstanding individuals are recognized during the Industry Awards ceremony at the World Potato Congress. The next Congress is being held in Adelaide, Australia, June 23-26, 2024.

How to Make a Nomination

Industry Award Proposers are invited to submit a written nomination, which must include the following information to have your nomination reviewed:

Industry Award Proposer

You must provide your full name, professional status, and contact information (email and telephone number).

Note: Industry Award Proposers are requested to refrain from a write-in campaign in support of their nominee. Letters of support for your nominee will not be factored into the decision-making process.

Nominee Information

Please provide your nominee’s full name, contact information(email and telephone number), the nominee’s career outline, and reasons why this nominee is a good candidate for the Industry Award (maximum 250 words).

Nomination Submission - Email your nomination information (as indicated above) to the Executive Director of the WPC: info@potatocongress.org

Nomination Review and Decision:

The Industry Awards Committee members will review and assess all written applications received and recommend potential award recipients to the WPC Board of Directors for their final approval.

Nomination Deadline: Please note that applications will only be accepted until the close of business on March 27, 2024.

They look forward to your applications. The announcement will be made at the World Potato Congress in Australia in June 2024.

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