Aviko Potato Gratins gain Craft Guild of Chefs endorsement

Aviko Potato Gratins gain Craft Guild of Chefs endorsement
October 16, 2009
Aviko’s Range of Gratins succeed in gaining the Craft Guild of Chefs endorsement! The five gratin varieties, from potato producer Aviko, have just been approved for endorsement by the Craft Guild of Chefs by passing its “Fit for Purpose and Quality Assurance” assessment.

Following the triumph of Aviko’s frozen Mash, the Gratins are the second frozen products ever to have gained this accolade!

The Gratins were tested extensively by chefs from pub, hotel banqueting and airline industries and comments included “Lots of flavour” ,“Excellent taste”, “A really useful product”, “Good colour on the broccoli”, “Taste of fresh broccoli, good depth of flavour”
But overall, they all agreed that Aviko’s Gratins would be great used as a side dish, as a starter and that they would definitely use them in place of making from scratch.

The new range of individually frozen potato gratins are made with potato slices which have been steamed gently until just tender, then combined with a deliciously creamy sauce. This ensures that the potato retains all of its natural flavour and the gratins keep their shape, even after a holding time of one hour! Available in 100g portion sizes, the range includes five exciting varieties.
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