Companies exporting Seed Potatoes


Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd. is a potato variety marketing company introducing new Agrico potato varieties to Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Advanced Potato Propagation Pty Ltd (APP)

Advanced Potato Propagation (APP) provides disease-free, high-quality micro tubers to seed growers, grown in world-class greenhouses. APP manufactures tiny tubers twice a year on request and harvests them in July and again in January, accommodating both PBR varieties and open or free types, such as BP1, Van Der Plank, Hertha, etc.

Allied Potato Colorado, Inc.

Allied Potato Colorado is mostly a seed-producing farm in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. At over 7,000 feet elevation their farm can grow superior quality seed to support their commercial operations in California, Oregon, and Washington.

Allied Potato, INC

Allied Potato is an internationally recognized leading potato grower, packer, shipper, and exporter.

Bavaria-Saat GbR

Bavaria-Saat includes two independent divisions, which deal with the breeding of potato varieties (Bavaria-Saat GbR) as well as with the international distribution of plant and table potatoes (Bavaria-Saat Vertriebs GmbH).

Bothell Seed, LLC

Bothell Seed, LLC has been providing quality seed to the commercial potato industry for 20 years. Their seed potatoes are grown in the San Luis Valley; an isolated, arid, high mountain valley.

Danespo A/S

DANESPO A/S is the leading company in the field of breeding and producing quality seed and ware potatoes in Northern Europe.
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Elorn Plants

Elorn Plants was established in 1996 and based in Sizun, France. The company produces and exports seed potatoes in diffrent countries. The company has strong technical expertise, logistics and sales departments, which make it stands in the market.


Esfatrade Organization Worldwide is a company working in international trade of fresh goods and potato seeds located in Uruguay.

Ferme Givskud Farm Inc.

Ferme Givskud Farm Inc. is a seed potato grower and shipper from New Brunswick, Canada.

FPD Seed & Development Pty Ltd

FPD Seed & Development (Pty) Ltd has been supplying potato seed to commercial growers for over 20 years. The company supply both regulated types from Agrico in Holland and open varieties like UTD, Hertha, BP1, and so on.

Germicopa (Societe Germicopa SAS)

Germicopa is the largest potato breeder in France. The company is a 100% owned subsidiary of the Florimond Desprez Group and is specialized in the breeding and production of potato seed for all market segments.

Graminor AS

Graminor AS develops plant varieties for the agricultural and horticultural industry in Norway. Their social mission is to deliver new plant varieties adapted to Norwegian and Nordic growing conditions.

Hilldale Potato Inc.

Hilldale Potato Inc and Adams Seed Farm specialize in growing and exporting seed potatoes from their farm in New Denmark, New Brunswick.

HK Worldwide Pvt Ltd

HK is a worldwide export a wide range of fresh vegetables, food, and spices. They supply both standard specifications and customized profiles tailored to customer needs.

HZPC France

HZPC France is the French subsidiary of a Dutch company, specializing in the development and marketing of potato varieties that meet economic, societal and environmental expectations.

HZPC Holland BV

HZPC is a Dutch supplier of innovative potato varieties that are optimized for local growing conditions. HZPC is the largest seed potato supplier worldwide.


HZPC UK is the UK subsidiary of a Dutch company, specializing in the development and marketing of potato varieties that meet economic, societal, and environmental expectations.

IPM Portugal

IPM Potato Group Limited, formerly known as Irish Potato Marketing Limited (IPM) is a seed potato company in Ireland and the largest exporter of protected varieties from the United Kingdom. IPM is a subsidiary of Donegal Investment Group plc.


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