News On French Fries and Potato Specialties from Beijing

February 26, 2009

China: Potato and Frozen Potato Products 2009 (Gain Report)

China's fresh potato production in MY08/09 is forecast at 65 million metric tons (MMT), not much change from the previous year. In the past two years, about 10 percent of China’s potato acreage shifted to other plantings due to the growth in grains pro...
December 10, 2007

China frena un embarque de papas fritas de EEUU

El gobierno chino detuvo la importación de papas fritas de la firma multinacional Procter &Gamble luego de detectar una sustancia prohibida en las mismas.
 Potato and Potato Processing in China
October 21, 2007

Gain Report: Potato and Frozen Potato Products in China 2007

China fresh potato production in MY07/08 is forecast at 75.6 million tons, up 5 percent from the previous year as a result of growing consumer demand. Average fresh potato prices have risen 15 percent annually over the previous three years. Processed ...
China finds "dangerous and poisonous substances" in french fries imported from the US
August 31, 2007

China finds 'dangerous and poisonous substances' in french fries imported from the US

China is now accusing the United States of shipping contaminated products there. It's the latest round in the battle over unsafe products. China's safety chief says tests found "poisonous and dangerous substances"in almost 22 tons of frozen...
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