PotatoPro brings around one million visitors, and 2.7 million page views annually, majorly through google search results, even though newsletters and social media contribute significantly to this number.

Website Statistics


Page Views

PotatoPro receives the highest traffic from Asia, followed by the Americas, Europe, and other regions. These regions collectively account for a total of 2.7 million page views annually. We are also gaining popularity among Asian countries, especially India.

The pie chart shows the percentage of traffic acquired from different channels, with Google Search contributing the highest at 58.6%, followed by Direct Searches and other channels. Additionally, 58.9% of page views were from desktop, while 41.1% were from mobile.

Newsletters Statistics


Email List Subscribers

PotatoPro sends out email newsletters to almost 18,000 subscribers. We have newsletters for different regions, including the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. These newsletters include a weekly English newsletter, a daily English newsletter, and a weekly Spanish newsletter.

Social Media Presence

Over time, PotatoPro has built a substantial following across various social media platforms, enabling you to stay ahead of the competition and ensure your brand remains prominent and memorable to a wide audience.


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