Canadian foodservice industry outpaces U.S.

Canadian foodservice industry outpaces U.S.
December 15, 2010
Canada's foodservice industry is growing in terms of both unit counts and menu offerings. After a 1.2 percent decline in 2009, estimates indicate that Canadian foodservice has achieved a higher growth rate in 2010 than its U.S. counterpart, and that growth is expected to continue into 2011. The debut of new restaurants and increased competition in all segments will lead to product innovation like never before.

"The Canadian foodservice industry is full of opportunity right now,"says Technomic EVP Darren Tristano. "U.S. operators are certainly looking at Canada as an area for potential growth. But to be successful they will need to do more than take a cookie-cutter approach to the Canadian marketplace. There are distinct differences in consumer attitudes and behaviours between the U.S. and Canada, and those play out every day in the way that trends take shape and establish themselves in each country."
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