Starch Europe launched a new online Q&A platform “Starch in Food: Your Questions Answered”.
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Starch-based Food ingredients made simple with this Q&A by Starch Europe

Today, Starch Europe launched a new online Q&A platform “Starch in Food: Your Questions Answered” ( inviting visitors to learn more about the use of all starch based ingredients, including modified starch and starch-based sugars in food through a set of Q&As, a video and an interactive infographic.
Starch-based ingredients, depending on the way they are made, have different functions and uses. Thanks to their versatility, these ingredients are widely used by food manufacturers to make the everyday food that we enjoy. However, because of their various uses and functions, some people would like to better understand where these ingredients come from and why exactly they are used in food products.
Aware of this challenge, Starch Europe members feel the responsibility to provide fact-based information about these ingredients to foster trust in the food we consume.
The platform already hosts 17 answers to the most frequently asked questions about starch-based ingredients, their origin and role in diet. If the visitors can’t find the information they are looking for, they are invited to submit their question through the feedback form. The Starch Europe team who will manage the platform is committed to responding to questions within 15 working days and will post the answers on the platform. The person who submitted the question will be notified about the answer via email.
More information on the uses of starch in other industries continues to be available on the Starch Europe website.