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FEPEX, the Spanish federation of associations of producers and exporters of fruits, vegetables, flowers and live plants (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas vivas), is a private, non-profit, industry based organisation.

The main objective of FEPEX is to provide its members with services in the area of production, commercialization and public policies in agriculture, trade and labour market. FEPEX also represents its members´ interests towards various authorities, institutions, decision-making bodies and in international organisations.

In addition, FEPEX Supports the Spanish industry as a whole by conducting in-depth reports, by developing quality protocols and by promotional actions, including the FRUIT ATTRACTION trade fair.


News for this Company

Patatas Españolas
March 07, 2023

España: La producción nacional de patata baja por primera vez de los dos millones de toneladas.

La superficie de cultivo de patata en España, según el último Avance de Superficies y Producciones del Mapa de noviembre 2022 es de 63.591 hectáreas.
Patatas Fepex
February 20, 2023

Fepex aboga por una mayor transparencia y defensa de la patata de España

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Fruit Attraction 2022 breaks records and cements Madrid as world fruit and vegetable capital
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Fruit Attraction 2022 breaks records and cements Madrid as world fruit and vegetable capital

From 4 to 6 October, Madrid once again became the world fruit and vegetable capital with the 14th edition of Fruit Attraction, the sector's largest international event, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX.
Se mantiene estable la superficie de siembra para la patata nueva.
April 06, 2022

Se mantiene estable la superficie de siembra para la patata nueva, que mira con temor a terceros países

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