Manufacturers of Potato Starch and Derivates in Northern America

AgraWest Foods

Agrawest is a manufacturer of Potato Granules located in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. Since 2000, Agrawest Foods is a subsidiary of Idaho Pacific Corporation. 


To the snack industry and for the preparation of french fries, Cargill supplies Frying Oils and a range of Ingredients, including texturizers, flavor systems and salt. Frying oil brands include Clear Valley and eLitra high oleic canola oils.

Carolina Starches, LLC

Carolina Starches is a North American supplier of specialty potato starch derivatives for the Pulp and Paper and allied industries. 

Idaho Frank Associates / Lutosa North America

Idaho Frank Associates Inc.(IFA), founded in 1955, specializes in exporting dehydrated and frozen potato products worldwide. The company, headquartered in Pleasant Hill, California, sells a wide variety of potato-based products, including flakes, granules, slices, shreds, dices, flour, and starch.


IMCD is one of North America's leading distributors of speciality chemicals, ingredients, filtration solutions and packaging servicing a multitude of manufacturing markets.

Ingredion Incorporated

Ingredion is a leading global ingredient solutions provider serving customers in more than 120 countries. Native and modified starches are among the potato based ingredients offered.
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Kemin Industries, Inc.

Kemin Industries is a manufacturer of nutritional ingredients. They have them listed mainly because of one specific potato derived product: Slendesta. 

Manitoba Starch Products

Manitoba Starch Products is the leading manufacturer of potato starch in Canada. The company is located near Carberry Manitoba, in the heart of Canada, and western Canadian potato production. 


Meelunie is a global supplier of agricultural ingredients, including (potato) starch and protein.

MGB Ingredients

MGB Ingredients is a suppler high quality ingredients.


MSPrebiotic delivers a high concentration of prebiotic resistant starch. This patented natural prebiotic comes from gently dried, peeled potatoes, labeled as dietary fiber and is grown, processed and packaged in Canada.

Omega Protein Corporation

For more than 100 years, Omega Protein has delivered quality ingredients that improve the nutritional integrity of food, supplements, and animal feed to allow consumers and their families to live healthier lives with better nutrition.

Pearson Sales Company

Pearson Sales Company is a full line industrial food ingredient distributor that services all foods sectors and types of manufacturing.

Penford Food Ingredients

Penford Corporation Penford Food Ingredients (PFI) offers a complete line of  cost-effective starch, dextrose and dextrin ingredients based on corn, potato and tapioca starches.

Radchen USA

Rädchen USA supplies the US Food Industry with a range of ingredients, including Potato Starch (regular and organic).

Solanyl Biopolymers Inc

Solanyl Biopolymers Inc. is a Canadian manufacturer of starch-based biodegradable polymers – Solanyl BP.

Starch Performance Services

Starch Performance Services provides consultancy services, technical support for the application of potato starch in paper manufacturing.

TechSci Research

TechSci Research is a research-based management consulting firm providing market research and advisory solutions to its customers worldwide, spanning a range of industries.


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