Produce Potatoes for Processing in the Netherlands

Aviko Potato

Aviko Potato is responsible for the purchase, logistics and quality management of all potatoes for the Aviko Group factories.

Bijl Aardappelen BV

Bijl Aardappelen BV is a Dutch company that trades, sorts and packs potatoes for customers both in the Netherlands and abroad, both for retail and for processing.

G. Sevenhuysen V.O.F.

G. Sevenhuysen V.O.F. has over 100 years of experience in the overseas export of ware and seed potatoes, French Fries, onions, garlic, white and red cabbage, as well as various other vegetables.

HZPC Holland BV

HZPC is a Dutch supplier of innovative potato varieties that are optimized for local growing conditions. HZPC is the largest seed potato supplier worldwide.

Kleinjan's Aardappelhandel B.V.

Kleinjan's Aardappelhandel B.V. is engaged in the trade and trade in seed potatoes, consumption potatoes, and chips potatoes.

Luonnosta Holland Ltd.

Luonnosta Holland Ltd. is a subsidiary of Luonnosta Finland Oy in the Netherlands.
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Nedato is a Dutch potato packer for export and retail.


Pro4Agri is the specialist in all types of potato, from seed potatoes to consumption potatoes. They mainly export potatoes and onions worldwide.

Q-Potato Holland B.V.

Q-Potato is a Dutch potato company focused on the (international) trade in seed and ware potatoes.

Rola Fresh

Rola Fresh is an importer and exporter of greenhouse vegetables, sweet potatoes and French specialty potatoes. They are helping to improve a healthy lifestyle among consumers throughout Europe.

Schaap Holland

Schaap Holland has been active in the potato world for over 50 years.The company is involved in the entire potato chain. Through their sorting, packaging and peeling company, they supply a wide range of table potatoes and chilled potato products.

Verhagen Holland

Verhagen Holland has been faithful to the potato industry for decades with the import, export and trading of potatoes. Trust is a very important factor, and therefore we strive to find the right products that best meet your needs.

Westhoeve Potatoes

For more than 30 years Westhoeve Potatoes supply fresh potatoes worldwide. By working closely with a large number of local farmers, they are always assured of high quality and fresh ware potatoes.

ZVL Friet

ZVL fries are located on a farm in the van Alstein polder in New Namur. ZVL fries grow their fresh potatoes with great love.


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