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Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)


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The Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) is a not-for-profit organization 100% dedicated to expanding and translating scientific research into evidence-based policy and education initiatives that recognize the role of all forms of the potato—a nutritious vegetable—in promoting health for all age groups.

Activities of the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) include:

  • Actively building the science foundation concerning the nutritional benefits of the white potato;
  • Creating partnerships with critical health professional organizations in the United States and Canada;
  • Educating dietitians and health professionals by providing them with the latest scientific research and information on potato nutrition, consumption and affordability.

APRE does not lobby or further any political or partisan interests.

News for this Company

Actual consumption by Americans as a percentage of goal (2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans)
October 11, 2014

APRE Research Highlights Potato as Important Source of Dietary Fiber

By contributing approximately 7% of dietary fiber to the U.S. food supply, new research from APRE found that white potatoes are an importance source of this nutrient for Americans.
Potatoes are a good source of Potassium
April 30, 2014

New data suggest Potassium and Dietary Fiber intake among Toddlers should be priority

Recommendations to increase the intake of potassium and dietary fiber among young children should be a priority for the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, according to a new study by the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) presented today at Experimental Biology 2014.
Las patatas blancas aumentan la ingesta de potasio
April 23, 2013

Las patatas blancas aumentan la ingesta de potasio

El consumo de patatas blancas está vinculado a una mayor ingesta de potasio, según un estudio hecho público en la Reunión Anual de Biología Experimental. Por cada kilocaloría adicional de este alimento consumida, se produce un aumento de 1,6 mg en el c...
American Society for Nutrition
April 23, 2013

Don't judge by its color: white vegetables offer key nutrients too

When it comes to nutrient content, don't judge a veggie by its color alone, said a panel of leading food and nutrition scientists yesterday at an American Society for Nutrition (ASN) pre-annual meeting session.