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AMVAC Chemical Corporation


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Company Description

American Vanguard is a diversified specialty and agricultural products company that develops and markets crop protection, turf and ornamental products and public health insecticides.

One of its products is Smartblock, a potato sprout inhibitor based on the active ingredient 3-decen-2-one.
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News for this Company

 Sprout inhibitor research WSU
February 11, 2013

EPA Registration for SmartBlock® Sprout inhibitor of American Vanguard

American Vanguard Corporation (NYSE:AVD) announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, AMVAC Chemical Corporation (AMVAC), has received registration from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for SmartBlock®, a novel potato sprout inhibitor.
 Amvac Chemical Corporation
December 13, 2010

Bayer CropScience to divest crop protection products to Amvac Chemical Corporation

Bayer CropScience today announced that is has divested certain crop protection products to Amvac Chemical Corporation (Amvac)
June 17, 2010

SmartBlock, a new sprout inhibitor for potatoes announced by Amvac Chemical Corporation

American Vanguard Corp. (NYSE:AVD) and its subsidiary Amvac Chemical Corporation today announced plans to introduce a new crop protection product that inhibits the growth of sprouts on potatoes.

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AMVAC Chemical Corporation

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