Washington & Colorado Food Banks Win Big With Super Bowl Bet
February 06, 2014

Washington and Colorado Food Banks Win Big With Super Bowl Bet

The Washington State Potato Commission and the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (CPAC) made sure that food banks in their respective states are the true winners of this year’s Super Bowl.
 micronutrients in potato germplasm
February 11, 2013

Una Red mundial para apoyar el mejoramiento de la calidad nutricional de la papa y el camote

Del 14 al 18 de enero, se llevó a cabo en la sede central del CIP, una reunión para la creación de una Red que garantizará el mejoramiento de la calidad nutricional de las raíces y tubérculos.
November 06, 2012

USDA makes first purchase of dehydrated granules for a US global feeding program

On October 24, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the purchase of 240 metric tons of dehydrated potato granules and 320 metric tons of dehydrated potato flakes under the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Pro...
June 25, 2012

McGill University and developing-country scientists working on a better potato for Colombian communities

Researchers cooperate to develop nutritious, high-yielding, and more disease-resistant potatoes for food-insecure indigenous communities in Colombia.
April 20, 2012

CIP y socios promueven Seguridad Alimentaria y nutrición con feria de innovaciones y tecnología de papa en Ecuador

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y el Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), exponen hoy innovaciones y tecnologías que aumentan la producción y calidad de la papa en la “ I Feria de Oferta Tecnológica Disponible ...
April 13, 2012

Improved potato varieties ensure Peruvian communities have enough to eat

Excessive rains and the increased presence of late blight disease devastated Peru’s Cusco region in 2010, prompting the government to declare a national emergency.
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 Potato farmers in Peru (International Potato Center)
April 14, 2011

Resistant potato varieties make the difference between having enough to eat or not

Excessive rains and an increased presence of late blight disease devastated the Cusco region of Peru in January-February 2010, which was declared a national emergency area.
September 24, 2010

FAO: Food price volatility a major threat to food security but no indication of a global food crisis

Experts from more than 75 FAO Member States agreed today that while there were no grounds for complacency, there was no indication of an impending world food crisis.


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