News on Potato Cultivation from Prince Edward Island

Delegation from the Phillipines visits the PEI Potato Board
June 16, 2024

Prince Edward Island Potato Industry Welcomes Delegation from The Philippines

The PEI Potato Board recently welcomed a 15 member delegation from the
NAPMN projects big increase in US potato crop
October 31, 2023

Big increase in United States potato crop expected

Last month, the North American Potato Market News (NAPMN) projected the US 2023 potato crop to come in at 429.6 million hundredweight (cwt), more than 37 million cwt more than last year's unusually small crop.
Scott Anderson, science co-ordinator for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's research station in Harrington, came up with the name for the 'Plowdown Challenge.' (Courtesy: CBC)
October 30, 2023

Scientist challenges farmers to guess the yield of potato field grown without fertilizers

A scientist from Prince Edward Island has issued a challenge to Island farmers: Guess the yield of a potato field grown using only fertilizer left over from last year's crop.
Canadian Potato Storage Holdings Reports July 2023
July 12, 2023

Less potatoes left in storage in Canada: Potato Storage Holdings Reports July 2023

As of July 1, 2023, total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings are reported to be down 34.9% over 2022 numbers for the same period, and lower than the 3-yr. average.
United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) crop update per July 6, 2023: Optimism everywhere
July 10, 2023

United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) crop update per July 6, 2023: Optimism everywhere

The potato crop in Canada is in varying stages - from emergence to touching between rows. Potato growers everywhere are optimistic for the good growing conditions needed to move this crop in its early life stages.
Report of Canadian Potato Storage Holdings for June 2023
June 15, 2023

Canadian Potato Storage Holdings Report for June 2023

As of June 1, 2023, total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings are reported to be down 3.3% over 2022 numbers for the same period, and higher than the 3-yr. average.
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P.E.I. potato crops benefit from eco-friendly fertilizer in new research study
June 14, 2023

Prince Edward Island potato crops benefit from eco-friendly slow-release fertilizer in new research study

Steve Watts from Genesis Crop Systems Inc. along with six farmers participated in the Living Labs Atlantic project to test out a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer, also called enhanced efficiency nitrogen.
The patchwork quilt of farm fields near Breadalbane on Prince Edward Island
May 22, 2023

PEI Potato Board: Acreage of cover crops before potatoes has doubled

New numbers from the P.E.I. Potato Board show that on Prince Edward Island the acreage of cover crops grown before potatoes has doubled.
Antioxidants, a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes
February 02, 2023

Selenium: a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) scientists have discovered that selenium, a micronutrient and anti-oxidant activates genes in potatoes that boosts the plant's immunity and helps in the prevention of late blight.
2022 Canadian Potato Production
December 12, 2022

2022 Canadian Potato Production

Statistics Canada has estimated Canadian Potato Production in 2022 to be 122,970,000 hundred weight, up 0.8% over 2021. Despite a very cold and wet spring delaying planting and very hot
UPGC: Potato harvest update Canada, October 2022
October 24, 2022

UPGC: Potato harvest update Canada, October 2022

In Canada, the potato harvest is in the final stages across the country. Most provinces have enjoyed excellent harvest conditions without the high temperatures experienced in early September nor the wet conditions of early spring.
PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture caused by Hurricane Fiona may damage crops
September 30, 2022

PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture from Fiona may damage crops

Prince Edward Island (PEI) potato farmers say they are concerned excessive moisture in the fields caused by the storm Fiona may lead their produce to rot in storage - though they hope that is not the case.
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Time to permanently retire fields with potato wart, P.E.I. legislative committee says
May 09, 2022

Time to permanently retire fields with potato wart, a Prince Edward Island legislative committee says

Fields, where potato wart has been found, should be taken permanently out of any type of agricultural production, a P.E.I. legislative committee is recommending.
Prince Edward Island farmers losing money day by day in potato export crisis.
December 03, 2021

P.E.I. farmers losing money day by day in potato export crisis

After 20 years of successful management, potato wart has closed the U.S. border again. P.E.I. farmers are five days into a suspension of trade for their potatoes into the U.S. market.
PEI based Salad Company, Johnston’s Encourages Canadians to Support Local PEI Potato Farmers in Response to Recent Export Ban
December 01, 2021

PEI based Salad Company Encourages Canadians to Support PEI Potato Farmers in Response to US Export Ban

With its roots firmly planted on PEI soil for over 74 years, Johnston’s Homestyle proudly supports local farmers while they face challenges during supply chain restrictions.
Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island
November 27, 2021

Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island

The Government of Canada is working with the Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) and industry to support PEI farmers following the recent suspension of certification of fresh potatoes from PEI to the United States.
P.E.I.'s potato bumper crop one of the best in 'many generations,' now needs markets
October 30, 2021

Prince Edward Island potato crop is one of the best in 'many generations'. Now looking for markets

This year's potato crop on Prince Edward Island is being called one of the best in decades. But an industry analyst says potato growers will need to be patient in selling the bumper crop.
United Potato Growers of Canada report on the 2021 Harvest
October 22, 2021

Most Potato Growers in Canada are looking back on an excellent 2021 Harvest

The United Potato Growers of Canada report on the 2021 Harvest as it is in its final stages. Most provinces (with the exception of British Columbia) have enjoyed excellent harvest conditions without cool temperatures or wet conditions.


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