Vultus Potato Suite
Vultus and Agdir enter into an agreement with Latvian Aloja Starkelsen and Findus Norway

Vultus AB (publ) and Agdir Drift AS have combined their sales activities and their joint offer is received by the market as expected: The two companies have entered into cooperation with the Latvian starch producer Aloja Starkelsen and the Norwegian part of Findus Group. The contracting party is Agdir Drift AS and the first customer contracts that combine both companies' offerings.
Through the collaboration, Aloja Starkelsen and Findus Norway, together with their contracted potato growers, will be able to benefit from the analyses for precision cultivation that Vultus has developed. With a complete farming management solution from Agdir, growers can plan farm operations and get decision support specifically developed for potatoes.
Per Karlsson, CEO of Vultus:
"These are the first contracts to come out of our joint sales activities. What stands out in the conversations with both Findus and Alojas is their desire to be 'best in class', there is a long-term approach in their collaboration with the growers that feels genuine."
Vultus AB and Agdir Drift AS have entered into a collaboration with the Latvian starch producer Aloja Starkelsen and the Norwegian part of Findus Group. The contracting party is Agdir AS and these are the first customer contracts that combine both companies' offerings, the contract period is three years.
In a complete Farming Management Platform developed by Agdir AS, starch producer Alojas Stakelsen and the Norwegian part of food producer Findus Group and their growers can benefit from the analyses Vultus has developed for potato growers. In addition, an agreement has been reached with Findus on joint activities to further develop Agdir AS's services for potato growers.
Andre Skoog Bondevik, CEO of Agdir:
"This partnership marks an important milestone for Agdir. By combining our respective strengths, we can now offer a comprehensive platform that both optimizes agricultural processes and contributes to increased profitability for both growers, the food industry and the potato starch industry."