Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains

Flooding in the streets of Havana, Cuba  (January 2016) due to excessive rainfall associated with El Niño (Courtesy: Yusnaby Post)

Flooding in the streets of Havana, Cuba (January 2016) due to excessive rainfall associated with El Niño (Courtesy: Yusnaby Post)

February 10, 2016
The rainfall in November, December, and January in the western and central parts of Cuba made it impossible for Cuban farmers to achieve a crop yield similar to the one they got last year, when they harvested 120,000 tons of potatoes.

Producers are very worried after seeing the fields covered by water and the advancement of pests and diseases associated with this phenomenon.

Given the damage to crops caused by rain, the cooperative and peasant sectors are trying to replant the salvageable plantations, and planting short-cycle crops in the areas that are not salvageable.

Thus, producers can take advantage of the fertilizers and manures used in potato crops; a very demanding sector. Cuba continues producing potatoes despite the increase in production cost that importing high quality seeds, insecticides, and other necessary inputs represents.
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