The 2019 event dates have been confirmed!
Potato Europe is an annual event for the European potato industry, organized in rotation in either Germany, Belgium, France, or the Netherlands.
Potato Europe 2019 will be held in Belgium in Kain
When & Where
Ets. Witdouck
Rue de Mourcourt 2
7540 Kain
Gaat door als gepland
Alleen in person
Beschrijving van het evenement
Nieuws over dit Evenement
september 06, 2019
Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the Field Potato Sorter (FPS)
september 03, 2019
The French company Select'Up joins Europatat
augustus 30, 2019
AVR shows new digging unit at Potato Europe 2019
augustus 26, 2019
New German Potato Variety 'Lea' is suitable for both conventional and organic farming
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A. De Nijs & Zn. B.V., Agrico, AHDB Potatoes (Potato Council), AVR, Barts Potato Company, BASF, Bayer CropScience AG, Belchim Crop Protection NV, Binst Breeding and Selection NV, Certis Europe, Cygnet PB, Danespo A/S, Den Hartigh, Deprez Construct NV, Dewulf, DOWNS, DuPont, Europlant Pflanzenzucht GmbH, Farm Frites, Fischbein Saxon, Flauw SAS, Germicopa (Societe Germicopa SAS), Greenvale Seed, Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik, Haith, HZPC Holland BV, Insort GmbH, Inter Agra, Interseed Holland B.V., K+S Kali, Lamb Weston EMEA, Lutosa, Manter International BV, Martin Lishman Ltd., McCain Foods Continental Europe, Miedema, Mooij Agro B.V., Mydibel, Nedato, Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO), Norika, Omnivent Techniek B.V., Optimum Sorting, Plantera B.V., Ploeger Machines BV, Pomuni, Potato Business School, Aardappelwereld BV (Potato World Magazine), Remo-Frit BVBA Van Remoortel Aardappelverwerking NV, Restrain Company Ltd, Schaap Holland, Schouten Sorting Equipment B.V., Selectiebedrijf KOOI b.v., Semagri Holland B.V., Solana Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Solentum Agro Insights, Sorma Group, Spiessens Machinery, Stet Holland, Syngenta Crop Protection, TOMRA Food, Tong Engineering, Tummers Food Processing Solutions B.V., VAM WaterTech, Van Dijke Group, van Rijn France (VRF), Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions Inc, Visar Sorting, Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en visserij Marketing (VLAM), WIFO-Anema BV, Yellow Chips" dlvparam-page-tags="230,1,2,234,8,9,11,300,12,229,53,69,241,102" dlvparam-currency="EUR" dlvparam-price="0.00">