News on Phytophthora from the Americas

Wisconsin Potato Field in bloom
July 24, 2014

Late Blight threatens Wisconsin Potato Fields

A potato disease known as Late blight is threatening some Wisconsin potato fields, but growers are well aware and making strides to prevent it from spreading.
Ecuador: Se discuten estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa
June 25, 2014

Ecuador: Se discuten estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa

El 28 de mayo se realizó un taller para discutir y definir estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa. Asistieron 38 técnicos del Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) y la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UC).
Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
June 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío
April 19, 2014

El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío

Según una reciente investigación de las Universidades de Kansas y California-Davis, el Centro Internacional de la Papa y el Instituto Internacional de Investigación del Arroz.
Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight
April 15, 2014

Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight

Times have changed for Alberta potato growers. Up until four years ago, the province was virtually late blight-free. Lately, wet springs and high humidity — uncharacteristic for this region — have nurtured the growth and spread of the disease.
Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal
January 27, 2014

Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal

Shankar Kaji Shakya, a graduate student and research fellow from the University of Florida (UF), recently visited the office of the International Potato Center (CIP) in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the characteristics of late blight in the Andes with CIP scientists.
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Potato affected by late blight (ARS)
January 21, 2014

Alberta takes up fight against late blight

A concerted effort has begun in Alberta Canada to raise awareness about the nastiness of late blight in tomatoes and potatoes.
 Late blight on a potato leaf
August 21, 2013

Wisconsin potato growers stay ahead of blight

Although late blight has been confirmed in 12% of Wisconsin’s counties, growers took aggressive action to control the disease and are predicting full yields and high quality potatoes of all varieties this season.
Potato late blight
August 13, 2013

Alberta: watch out for late blight

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development warns Alberta growers and gardeners for the risk of late blight.
 Potatoes growing on prince edward island
August 02, 2013

Prince Edward Island Potato crop blight free

There has not been a single case of late blight reported on Prince Edward Island's potato crop this year, a situation agriculture officials are calling unusual.
 Paperos ahorrarían costos con la producción de papa transgénica
July 22, 2013

Colombia tendrá papa transgénica debido al tizón tardío

De llegar a ser un éxito el proyecto de mejoramiento genético iniciado, los paperos ahorrarían no menos de 75 millones de dólares anuales que gastan en fungicidas para controlar el tizón tardío o gota.
 Late blight
April 25, 2013

Syngenta potato hotline adds text message Alerts

Syngenta continues partnerships with key universities in Idaho, Michigan, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington to bring late blight hotlines to US potato growers in 2013.
Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on potato leaf
February 19, 2013

University of Maine looking for blight-resistant potatoes

Potato breeding developments being researched by graduate students in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences of the University of Maine look to save the future of Maine’s iconic crop.
 Wenbo Ma
February 08, 2013

Late blight pathogen blocks RNA silencing pathways of potato plants

When a pathogen attacks a plant, infection usually follows after the plant’s immune system is compromised.  A team of researchers at the University of California, Riverside focused on Phytophthora and deciphered how it succeeded in crippling the potato...
 Portada del boletin sobre tizón tardío en Bolivia
September 23, 2012

El tizón tardio de la papa causado por Phytophtora infestans, en Bolivia

Boletín técnico elaborado por el proyecto "Evaluación del impacto de las variaciones climáticas en el manejo de la enfermedad tizón tardío de la papa en zonas endémicas altoandinas del departamento de Cochabamba". El equipo investigadores est...
Phytophthora Infestans (Late Blight)
September 03, 2012

University of Wisconsin scientists probe, attack late blight in potatoes

As the annual potato harvest begins, Wisconsin farmers continue to check their fields for late blight, the ferocious plant disease that caused the 1848 Irish potato famine and fueled massive emigration from Ireland.
August 21, 2012

NDSU Potato Blightline for August 20

The NDSU Potato Blightline for August 20th sponsored by Syngenta Crop Protection has been issued.
 Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on potato leaf
July 05, 2012

New York State growers warned of late blight

Home gardeners and commercial growers are alerted of the potential introduction of late blight this growing season, as it has been confirmed in Suffolk County.


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