Gulfood Manufacturing 2019

Gulfood Manufacturing 2019

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Gulfood Manufacturing is the region’s biggest food and beverage processing industry event which will connect you with suppliers from 60 countries showcasing the latest F&B manufacturing business improvement tools.

The Middle East sees rapid population growth, booming foodservice markets, diverse and affluent consumers demanding new trends, tastes and products….the drivers behind the regions accelerating investment in the food supply chain are many.

At Gulfood Manufacturing 1,600 global suppliers of latest ingredients, processing, packaging and logistics solutions are waiting to meet you and help solve your biggest production, capacity and automation challenges.

These are solutions that can save you money which you could be spending on better things, such as diversifying your production line, research & development and marketing.

The sectors covered by Gulfood Manufacturing, which for the first time in 2014 became an event separate from Gulfood:

  • Ingredients
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Supply Chain Solutions
  • Automation & Controls
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