News on Potato Trade from Europe

AHDB February trade round-up: Potatoes
April 20, 2021

AHDB: UK Fresh potato export in February lags behind previous years

HMRC has now released trade data covering up to the end of February 2021. In January, after the end of the transition period to leave the European Union (EU), we saw some teething issues in exports. Did these continue into February?
AHDB January trade round-up: Potatoes
March 20, 2021

AHDB: UK Processed Potato Exports in January at a historic low

As the first month of import and export data of potatoes and potato products after Brexit is in, the AHDB takes a closer look at the data and what they could mean. Across all potato product categories recorded, UK imports and exports have fallen from December with figures at the lowest reported this marketing season.
Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors
March 20, 2021

Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors

The sale of potatoes is not entirely disappointing at the moment, observes Felix Molenaar of potato and vegetable wholesaler Molenaar from Haarlem.
Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
March 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: The Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes
March 16, 2021

Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes

The export of potatoes from Mallorca to the United Kingdom and Scandinavia of Lady Christl new potatoes started on Sunday. The centre of this export in Mallorca is the municipality Sa Pobla, where exporters still have some concerns because of Brexit.
UK regulations relaxed to allow Mallorcan potato exports
February 26, 2021

UK regulations relaxed to allow potato import from Mallorca

Mallorca has been exporting potatoes to the United Kingdom since 1927 and future exports are now guaranteed because the British Government has agreed to change the regulations and allow Mallorcan potatoes to be sold in the British market.
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Russia may sharply increase potato imports from Egypt this season
February 18, 2021

Russia may sharply increase potato imports from Egypt this season

EastFruit analysts predict that Russia may sharply increase the volume of imports of potatoes from Egypt in the 2020/21 season.
Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads
February 08, 2021

Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads

AHDB Head of Export Trade Development for Potatoes, Patrick Hughes spoke of the importance of the EU market to seed potato growers and how he was hoping for a rapid resolution to the prohibition on UK exports to the Continent.
Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector
January 29, 2021

Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector

Ireland’s seed potato sector looks set to get a Brexit shot in the arm. This was one of the key messages delivered courtesy of the second Spring Tillage Webinar, hosted by Teagasc this week.
New frozen storage offers 22,000 extra pallet places for frozen produce
January 25, 2021

New frozen storage offers 22,000 extra pallet places for frozen produce in the port of Antwerp

Luik Natie opened a new cold store at the beginning of 2019. Just under two years later, the opening of a new frozen storage area is planned.
Criminals use potato exports to African countries to launder money
January 16, 2021

Dutch criminals have used potato exports to African countries to launder money

Dutch criminals are increasingly using exports to Africa to launder money which is subsequently invested in diamonds and gold from the continent, FIOD chief Bert Langerak has said.
Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters
January 04, 2021

Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters

The Scottish Government has said the seed potato industry is facing disaster through the Brexit deal. Exports of seed potatoes - a vital Scottish export - will not be part of a trade deal between the UK and EU
Belgapom starts its new search for a successor to Romain Cools as CEO of the Belgian potato trade and processing industry
November 02, 2020

Belgapom restarts search for a successor to Romain Cools as CEO of the Belgian potato industry association

With a new board, Belgapom starts its new search for a successor to Romain Cools as CEO of the Belgian potato trade and processing industry
Europatat welcomes Romans Vorss as new Technical Affairs Director
October 27, 2020

Europatat welcomes Romans Vorss as new Technical Affairs Director

The European Potato Trade Association Europatat has appointed Romans Vorss as the new Technical Affairs Director of the Association, with effect as of 26 October 2020.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
September 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.
COVID-19 crashes European potato processing
April 07, 2020

COVID-19 crashes European potato processing

In mainland Europe the widespread closure of restaurants and other food service outlets has meant that demand for processed potato products has fallen significantly.
March 24, 2020

Free market for potatoes in Belgium collapsed due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 the free market of potatoes has completely collapsed. The PCA/Fiwap and the Belgapom price quotation has been suspended because of a lack of transactions on the free market of potatoes.
Haith talks Post-Brexit Plans at Fruit Logistica
February 11, 2020

Haith talks Post-Brexit Plans at Fruit Logistica

Haith Group, a leading designer and manufacturer of potato handling equipment, used the Fruit Logistica (5-7 February) to ramp-up its post-Brexit preparations as the company looks to continue its excellent European export levels.


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