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Rockey Farm LLC

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Company Description

Rockey Farm LLC farm seed and specialty potato varieties on 500 acres plus peas, buckwheat, radishes, and about a dozen other crops. These other crops help break down the hard soil and encourage the right bugs to do their job. They call their crop rotation process “green manure” as these crops feed the soil and make it better for potato growing.

Product Types offered by this company

News for this Company

NPC 2014 President Randy Hardy hands the award to Brendon Rockey and Sheldon Rockey with wife Nicole.
January 20, 2015

Rockey Farm (Colorado) receives the NPC 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award

Brendon and Sheldon Rockey of Rockey Farms in Center, Colorado, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award presented at the National Potato Council’s 2015 Annual Meeting.

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