SiccaDania Raspers

SiccaDania Raspers

SiccaDania Raspers

The SiccaDania rasper series are designed for starch and protein extraction. The purpose of the unit is to open the cells and release the starch and proteins.

Being the first step in the wet process, the milling performance is crucial. The yield of the rasper determines to a great extent the overall yield of the entire starch operation. Any starch lost in this section is lost forever.

SiccaDania raspers are designed to rupture the cell walls so efficiently that the maximum amount of starch from the root is released. The starch granules are locked in the cells of the root together with other constituents and must be released from the cell compound.

The more thoroughly the cells are destroyed, the better the release of the granules, thus the better the starch yield.

The product obtained after the rasper can be considered a mixture of pulp fibres (cell walls), fruit juice and starch. With this highly efficient and modern rasper, rasping is a one-pass operation.

SiccaDania has developed three unique raspers to provide customers with a rasper for their production.

HRD Raspers

This dual rotating direction rasper is already known in the market for many decades and has proven to be the most robust machine at present. Its highly durable rotor and bearing system ensure a lifetime of exceeding all other raspers available in the market.

HRD Belt Drive

This version is compact and can be easily fitted into an existing milling location. The V-belt drive is easily accessible and provides a steady headache-free operation.

HRD Direct Drive

The direct-drive version enables easy to access at both cutter blocks. The frequency driven motor has a lower power consumption compared to the V-belt driven version.

In general, the direct-drive machine has better maintainability because all sides of the machine are better accessible. The curved cover plates give better clean-ability and therefore improved hygiene. Next to that, it improves the flow of material inside, improving efficiency and capacity.

Boss Rasper

The overall design of the rasper is slim and easy to operate and maintain. The rasper has a large rotor diameter, that incorporates the 216 groove profiles for the rasping blades and makes it possible to place a great number of raspering blades in the rotor. This increases the starch extraction and the time between changing the blades.

Benefits of SiccaDania raspers

  • Highest starch yield and highest milling efficiency
  • Best in class durability
  • High-speed rotor
  • Superior saw blades clamping design and long saw blade life
  • Easy replacement, service & maintenance
  • Heavy load resistant
  • Full stainless steel


SiccaDania Raspers Data Sheet