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Agromar France S.A.


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Company Description

Agromar France plays a crucial role in the potato sector's value chain by being involved in the production and marketing of Spanish potatoes across Europe.

The company is part of a group of Spanish companies that have been in operation for 30 years, emphasizing their experience and expertise in the industry.
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Intersur Produce Cada Daño más de 100.000 Toneladas de Patatas en España y Francia
October 19, 2020

La Productora de Patatas Intersur Crea un Grupo Para Crecer en Europa y Oriente Medio

La empresa sevillana Intersur 2011 y la compañía albaceteña Agromar Hispana han creado el grupo Intersur, que produce ya más de 100.000 toneladas de patatas con destino a empaquetadores que las venden a los supermercados.

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Agromar France S.A.

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