México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur.
May 31, 2021

México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur

La Sader reporta pérdidas de hasta el 90 por ciento en cultivos de maíz, frijol, papa, y sorgo forrajero, en los municipios de Guachochi , Balleza, Guadalupe y Calvo. Hay afectaciones en casi 22 mil productores de los cuales se tiene registro que el 80 porciento son indígenas.
Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica
March 01, 2021

Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica

Los agricultores del distrito de Pazos, ubicado en la provincia de Tayacaja, región Huancavelica han visto afectados el 80 porciento de sus cultivos por las intensas heladas.
Junín, Perú: Movilizan brigadas agrarias para recuperar cultivos afectados por heladas
February 22, 2021

Junín, Perú: Movilizan brigadas agrarias para recuperar cultivos afectados por heladas

Gobierno Regional de Junín, Perú, movilizó brigadas agrarias para recuperar los cultivos afectados por una inusual helada que se registró en el distrito de Pucará, provincia de Huancayo.
PepsiCo Doubles Down on Climate Goal and Pledges Net-Zero Emissions by 2040
January 14, 2021

PepsiCo Doubles Down on Climate Goal and Pledges Net-Zero Emissions by 2040

Pepsico announced it will accelerate its efforts to build a more resilient and sustainable food system, reducing GHG emissions by more than 40% by 2030. In 2020 the company achieved its objective to use 100% renewable electricity in the United States and plans to do the same in Mexico and Australia by the end of 2021
¡Gran aporte! Estudiantes peruanos crean máquina que protege a los cultivos de las heladas
November 23, 2020

¡Gran aporte! Estudiantes peruanos crean máquina que protege a los cultivos de las heladas

El Invento será presentado a la edición 2021 del concurso 'Una idea para cambiar la Historia' de History Channel.
Maine, US: Drought shrinks Aroostook County potato yields
October 15, 2020

Maine, US: Drought shrinks Aroostook County potato yields

This year’s potato harvest was met with an unrelenting drought that diminished crops and tied up water resources for Aroostook County, Maine farmers.
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Atípica Helada Acaba con Cosecha de Papa en la Región Sureste de Coahuila, México
October 12, 2020

Atípica Helada Acaba con Cosecha de Papa en la Región Sureste de Coahuila, México

Esta pérdida además, impacta directamente a los cerca de 20 mil empleos directos e indirectos que genera el cultivo de papa en esta región de México
PepsiCo Targets 100% Renewable Electricity Globally
September 22, 2020

PepsiCo Targets 100% Renewable Electricity Globally by 2030

Food and beverage leader joins RE100 initiative with ambition to achieve 100% renewable electricity globally for direct operations by 2030 and across entire franchise and third-party operations by 2040.
Summer drought still impacting potato farmers Prince Edward Island
September 18, 2020

Summer drought still impacting potato farmers Prince Edward Island

Many potato fields across Prince Edward Island are not in the condition they usually are at this time of year due to the hot and dry conditions for much of July and August.
All Hail the Rise of the Climate - Smart Potato
September 08, 2020

Potato Potential - in all climates

The potential of the potato has only just begun to be realized. Some 368 million metric tons of potatoes were harvested globally in 2019, as people from Vietnam to Kenya, the Peruvian Andes to Rwanda produced a wide variety of the root vegetable, helping feed an estimated 1.3 billion people who rely on them as a staple food.
New study on measuring efficiency in potato landraces: How far are we from the optimum?
August 28, 2020

New study on photosynthesis efficiency in native potatoes

A new publication by scientists from the International Potato Center (CIP) highlights the usefulness of combining crop growth model, remote sensing, and plant ecophysiological tools to assess genetic efficiencies in potato landraces.
Variedad de papas nativas del Parque de la Papa en Perú
August 17, 2020

Machu Papa de Perú, la variedad de patata más resistente al cambio climático

El Parque de la Papa es un lugar único. Allí se cultivan 1.300 variedades de patatas, pero solo una de ellas puede dar respuesta a la crisis alimentaria.
Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro
March 09, 2020

Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro

Uno de los primeros intercambios entre la población andina y la tierra, fue a través de la papa. Los primeros indicios de su cultivo datan los 8000 años de antigüedad. Desde entonces, generaciones de agricultores han domesticado miles de variedades.
Colombia: Productores de papa inician censo para determinar daños por heladas
January 20, 2020

Colombia: Productores de papa inician censo para determinar daños por heladas

El presidente de Fedepapa, Germán Palacio, reportó que las heladas que desde finales de diciembre de 2019 y en los primeros días de enero de 2020 han causado daños en las zonas productoras del alimento en Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Santander y otros.
Bolivia's Potatoes are Vanishing
January 10, 2020

Bolivia's Potatoes are Vanishing

For centuries, Humberto Limachi’s ancestors have cultivated potatoes and turned them into a freeze-dried product called the chuño. It’s a staple food for Bolivia’s Aymara indigenous community. Limachi teaches his young children how the chuño is prepared.
Potato shortage looms on Prairies
October 31, 2019

Potato shortage looms on Prairies (Canada)

Potato processing plants in Manitoba and Alberta may not run at full capacity this winter. About 20,000 acres of potatoes were in the ground in Manitoba as of the middle of October, and growers needed two weeks of favourable weather to harvest the crop.
Frito-Lay Modesto Snack Plant replaces diesel-powered freight equipment with 'lab' for more sustainable solutions
October 04, 2019

Frito-Lay Modesto becomes testing ground for Zero- and Near-Zero Emission Freight Solutions

Snack company Frito-Lay aims to replace all of its existing diesel-powered freight equipment with zero-emission (ZE) and near-zero emission (NZE) technologies at its Modesto, California manufacturing and distribution facility.
McCain announces Farms of the Future initiative to advance sustainable farming practices
September 25, 2019

McCain Foods announces Farms of the Future initiative to demonstrate feasibility of sustainable farming

McCain Foods has announced its commitment to a new innovative program, Farms of the Future. The goal of the program is to advance sustainable farming practices by helping to demonstrate their scalability and their economic viability.


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