Empresas en Bulgaria

Agrico Bulgaria Ltd

AGRICO BULGARIA LTD offers high-quality potato planting material from AGRICO in the Netherlands, including Elite and Class A categories in various fractions and cuts.

Atanas Stoychev Trading

Atanas Stoychev Trading (AST) is a popcorn producer from Bulgaria since 1996, and in past years managed to make the road from a small producer to a company with the biggest and most modern facilities for the production of microwave popcorn in Bulgaria.

Delby Trading Bulgaria EOOD

Delby Trading Bulgaria EOOD is a branch of Delby Trading GmbH in Bulgaria.

Freyma's Snack

Freyma's is a registered trademark of the company MARTIS-09 Ltd., founded in Bulgaria. It is the manufacturer of the products under this brand, whose management and production facilities are based in town of Dulovo, Silistra region.

Intersnack Bulgaria

Intersnack Bulgaria is the Bulgarian subsidiary of the Intersnack Group, a major manufacturer of potato chips and Snacks in Europe, with headquarters in Germany.

Savimex Ltd

Savimex Ltd. produces a wide range of products. Salts, crackers, many types of toasters, healthy bread and pasta are available under the "Zlatna Dobrudja" brand. Created mainly for the export market under the "Savi Stix" brands, pretzels, pretzels, crackers
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Vasilev & Todorov Ltd (KOMPIR)

Vassilev and Todorov OOD and the Kompir trade mark enter the market in 2010 with a range of fresh cut potato products. The company’s registered office and head office is located in the town of Samokov, Bulgaria


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